A containerized dbt environment for your team

Do you currently walk new users through the set up described in the repo? Or do you ask them to do it independently? Do we assume that new users know how to open up a shell into a Docker container?

Also, dumb question – is the idea that the container is hosted on same host as the database itself, to have sort of a remote development environment? Or is this just meant to build a layer of abstraction for end users’ local set up?

Again asking from the perspective of someone also struggling with helping new team members onboard. I wrote a thing about our pain points yesterday

Last thing –

We don’t have any homebrew recipes, so for us, conda does all this for us. The big challenge I find is helping ensure that the conda env will activate for users automatically when they open the project in VSCode. Fortunately now the Python extension auto-activates if there’s a requirements.txt file in the repo. The challenge is helping new users to set their python.PythonPath variable in the settings.json