DBT docs into Confluencea


Has anyone tried to get the index.html file generated by DBT in the target folder and successfully loaded them in to a Confluence page? I’ve tried using the HTML macro within confluence but its not happy with the generated HTML.




Hi David, you get anywhere with this? I have the same issue, I’m thinking that using an Azure release pipeline might do it, not gone beyond the pondering stage as yet


So we are using Confluence and had the same issue. We are using a combination of sphinx, the confluencebuilder sphinx package and a custom build python parser to create *.rst files from the manifest.json. This way every source, model, seed, exposure etc. get’s it’s own confluence page instead of one big interactive page like the dbt docs creates. This isn’t the optimal way, since the dbt docs are way nicer, but confluence isn’t very welcoming to external html or javascript.

If anyone’s interested i can upload the custom dbt parser and explain our approach in more detail.