For what it’s worth a colleague and I took the above and developed it a little - to iterate over the available schemas automatically (so no need to pass in as an arg), and to provide a bit clearer output on what is happening. This is for Snowflake.
--If you want to simply see which tables/views exist in Snowflake, that are not in the dbt graph:
--dbt run-operation delete_orphaned_tables --args "{dry_run: True}"
--if you want to actually drop those tables/views:
--dbt run-operation delete_orphaned_tables --args "{dry_run: False}"
--Note by default this macro will look in the database specified in your default target, as defined in your profiles.yml.
--you can be explicit about the database, by specifying a different target (add --target argument),
--but you will need to set up targets per database, i.e. not just dev/prod, but for example:
-- dev
-- dev-raw
-- dev-analytics
-- prod
--so then you might run for example:
--dbt run-operation delete_orphaned_tables --args "{dry_run: True}" --target dev-analytics
{% macro delete_orphaned_tables(dry_run=False) %}
{% do log("", True) %}
{% do log("Searching for orphaned tables/views...", True) %}
{% do log("Using target profile: " ~ ~ " (database: " ~ target.database ~ ").", True) %}
{% set schema_query %}
SELECT distinct table_schema
from (
SELECT distinct table_schema
FROM information_schema.tables
SELECT distinct table_schema
FROM information_schema.views
) u
where table_schema <> 'INFORMATION_SCHEMA'
{% endset %}
{% do log(schema_query, True) %}
{%- set result = run_query(schema_query) -%}
{% if result %}
{%- for row in result -%}
{% set schema = row[0] %}
{% do log("", True) %}
{% do log("schema: " ~ schema, True) %}
{% set query %}
SELECT UPPER(c.schema_name) AS schema_name,
UPPER(c.ref_name) AS ref_name,
UPPER(c.ref_type) AS ref_type
SELECT table_schema AS schema_name,
table_name AS ref_name,
'table' AS ref_type
FROM information_schema.tables pt
WHERE table_schema = '{{ schema }}'
SELECT table_schema AS schema_name,
table_name AS ref_name,
'view' AS ref_type
FROM information_schema.views
WHERE table_schema = '{{ schema }}'
) AS c
{%- for node in graph.nodes.values() | selectattr("resource_type", "equalto", "model") | list
+ graph.nodes.values() | selectattr("resource_type", "equalto", "seed") | list %}
upper('{{node.config.schema}}') AS schema_name
,upper('{{}}') AS ref_name
{% if not loop.last %} UNION ALL {% endif %}
{%- endfor %}
) AS desired on desired.schema_name = c.schema_name
and desired.ref_name = c.ref_name
WHERE desired.ref_name is null
{% endset %}
{% do log(query, True) %}
{%- set result = run_query(query) -%}
{% if result %}
{%- for to_delete in result -%}
{%- if dry_run -%}
{%- do log('To be dropped: ' ~ to_delete[2] ~ ' ' ~ to_delete[0] ~ '.' ~ to_delete[1], True) -%}
{%- else -%}
{% set drop_command = 'DROP ' ~ to_delete[2] ~ ' IF EXISTS ' ~ to_delete[0] ~ '.' ~ to_delete[1] ~ ' CASCADE;' %}
{% do run_query(drop_command) %}
{%- do log('Dropped ' ~ to_delete[2] ~ ' ' ~ to_delete[0] ~ '.' ~ to_delete[1], True) -%}
{%- endif -%}
{%- endfor -%}
{% else %}
{% do log('No orphan tables to clean.', True) %}
{% endif %}
{%- endfor -%}
{% endif %}
{% endmacro %}