Testing with fixed data set

Hey @jtke! Such a good question! I have done a version of this where I use fake data while developing models: usually my fake data consists of all my known edge cases so that I can check that my SQL works. Unfortunately, I usually only do that during development, and switch out my references to the fake data before merging the code.

However, I have thought about extending this to be more long-lived in my project! Here’s what I would do:

1. Add seed files for your expected input and output to your dbt project

Name them sensibly, like input_subscription_events and expected_subscription_periods. Normally I like to design these seed files to have lots of tricky cases so I can be sure that my SQL is working as intended. Don’t forget to run dbt seed.

If you want to run things with “real”, but static, data, you could take the time to recreate the tables in a separate schema – check out this post on some approaches there!

2. In your models, ref the static data

But wrap it up in some conditional logic! (Yup, you can ref seeds if you decide to go down that route).

-- subscription_periods.sql

with subscription_events as (
  {% if target.name == 'ci' %}
  select * from {{ ref('input_subscription_events') }}
  {% else %}
  select * from {{ ref('stg_subscription_events') }}
  {% endif %}

3. Add an “equality” test to check that the expected input matches the expected output

We use this test to check that two relations match exactly. You can see us use this testing pattern all throughout dbt_utils in its own integration tests (e.g. here)

# schema.yml
version: 2

  - name: subscription_periods
      - dbt_utils.equality:
          compare_model: ref('expected_subscription_periods')

4. Run your test with --target ci

The magic incanation here is:

dbt test --target ci

It should all pass if your transformations work!

But then when you run it in any other environment, that test will fail, so…

5. Parameterize the equality test to accept an environment argument.

You’ll have to add your own version of the equality test to your project, and add an extra argument. You want to get to something like this:

# schema.yml

version: 2

  - name: subscription_periods
      - jaffle_shop.equality: # replace with your project name
          compare_model: ref('expected_subscription_periods')
          env: ci

I haven’t done this last step for this particular macro, but I wrote about the structure of making a test environment aware in another Discourse article.

Now when you execute dbt test --target ci, you’ll be comparing your static data. In any other environment, you’ll be running the real-deal, and tests shouldn’t fail in either.

Let me know how you go!