A variable from dbt_project.yml is not being overriden by command line

The problem

I am using a macro which uses a variable to create a source name. Instead of taking the variable passed in the command line, the default variable from dbt_project.yml is being used.

The context of why I’m trying to do this

dbt core 1.4.9. (cannot have the newest version because of conflict with dbt-sqlserver package,run both in terminal and in PyCharm terminal with the same output

Example code

Variable definition in dbt_project.yml:

profile: 'myprofile'

    market: 'hu'

Macro looks like;

{% macro db_source_var(source_name, table_name) %}

{% set dataset_name = var('market') %}

{{ source(source_name + "_" + dataset_name, table_name)}}

{% endmacro %}

Exampe command:

 dbt run --target=beta --vars '{market:sk}'

My profile looks like:

  target: cz
      type: sqlserver
      driver: 'ODBC Driver 17 for SQL Server'
      server: BETA
      port: 1433
      database: XXX
      schema: cz
      windows_login: True
      trust_cert: True
      threads: 4
      type: sqlserver
      driver: 'ODBC Driver 17 for SQL Server'
      server: BETA
      port: 1433
      database: YYY
      schema: sk
      windows_login: True
      trust_cert: True
      threads: 4
      type: sqlserver
      driver: 'ODBC Driver 17 for SQL Server'
      server: BETA
      port: 1433
      database: ZZZ
      schema: hu
      windows_login: True
      trust_cert: True
      threads: 4
        type: sqlserver
        driver: 'ODBC Driver 17 for SQL Server'
        server: BETA
        port: 1433
        database: BBB
        schema: beta
        windows_login: True
        trust_cert: True
        threads: 4

put a space after the : ‘{market: sk}’

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