API Connection Error

The problem I’m having

I have built a dbt model and I want to orchestrate it using airflow. I have created the service token on dbt cloud and established the connection on airflow. However once I run the DAG I get the error - ```
{“status”:{“code”:404,“is_success”:false,“user_message”:“The requested resource was not found. Please check that you have the proper permissions. If you are seeing this in error, please contact support!”,“developer_message”:“”},“data”:null}
[2023-06-28, 18:51:54 UTC] {taskinstance.py:1851} ERROR - Task failed with exception

## The context of why I'm trying to do this: To connect dbt Cloud with Airflow (Locally deployed)

## Some example code or error messages

{“status”:{“code”:404,“is_success”:false,“user_message”:“The requested resource was not found. Please check that you have the proper permissions. If you are seeing this in error, please contact support!”,“developer_message”:“”},“data”:null}
[2023-06-28, 18:51:54 UTC] {taskinstance.py:1851} ERROR - Task failed with exception