I am getting the following error:
Got a block definition inside control flow at 240:0. All dbt block definitions must be at the top level
This is a fairly simple model. It’s three levels of views. dbt run was working yesterday with 0 errors. Today I am getting this error but idk where it’s coming from.
config (
alias = 'trova_profiles',
select distinct
['c.driver_number', 'a.user_id', 'c.federal_terminal']
}} as trova_profiles_pk,
c.driver_number as driver_number,
a.user_id as slack_user_id,
c.status as staus,
c.driver as driver,
b.rm_name as driver_rm,
c.terminal as terminal,
c.federal_terminal as federal_terminal,
c.city as city,
c.state as state,
c.days_till_expiration as must_visit_in,
c.day_of_last_visit as day_of_last_visit,
c.expiration_type as expiration_cycle
from {{ ref('stg_slack_user') }} as a
join {{ ref('int_gemini_salesforce_census_join_agg') }} as b
on lower(a.user_email) = lower(b.email)
left join {{ ref('int_terminal_cards') }} as c
on to_char(b.employee_id) = to_char(c.driver_number)
ifnull(to_date(c.day_of_last_visit) = to_date(c.last_visited_actual), true) = true
and driver_number is not null