Call macro within another macro

Need to pass the value from a DB query in one macro and call this first macro inside another macro to pass the values dynamically.

Trying to read values from a databricks table through macro1 and passing them in source yml creation macro to populate values.

   {% do sources_yaml.append("    tables:") %}

    {% if table_names is none %}
        {% set tables = codegen.get_tables_in_schema(
            schema_name, database_name, table_pattern, exclude
        ) %}
    {% else %} {% set tables = table_names %}
    {% endif %}

    {% for table in tables %}
        {% do sources_yaml.append("      - name: " ~ table | lower) %}
        {% if include_descriptions %}
            {% do sources_yaml.append('        description: ""') %}
        {% endif %}

        {% if generate_columns %}
            {% do sources_yaml.append("        columns:") %}
            {% set table_relation = api.Relation.create(
                database=database_name, schema=schema_name, identifier=table
            ) %}

            {% set columns = adapter.get_columns_in_relation(table_relation) %}

            {% for column in columns %}
                {% do sources_yaml.append("          - name: " ~ | lower) %}
                {% if include_descriptions %}
                    {% do sources_yaml.append('            description: ""') %}
                {% endif %}
                {% if include_samplevalue %}
                    {%- set tblnm = '{table}' -%}
                    {%- set colnm = '{column}' -%}
                    adapter.execute_macro('generate_macro1', table_nm='arg1', column_nm = 'arg2')
                    {%- do sources_yaml.append("            tag_value: " ~ reqdval  ) -%}
                {% endif %}
            {% endfor %}
            {% do sources_yaml.append("") %}

        {% endif %}

    {% endfor %}

I need to pass values dynamically for arg1,arg2 to invoke the macro1 and read the results for populating the variable ‘reqdval’.