Compilation Error in snapshot invalid syntax for function call expression config(

The problem I’m having

I’m running my code to try to work with snapshot in dbt core. I encountered this error saying invalid.

Some example code or error messages in terminal

dbt snapshot
12:48:29  Running with dbt=1.8.5
12:48:36  Registered adapter: snowflake=1.8.3
12:48:36  Unable to do partial parsing because a project config has changed
12:48:36  Unable to do partial parsing because a project config has changed
12:48:38  Encountered an error:
Compilation Error in snapshot sql_snapshot (snapshots\sql_snapshot.sql)
  invalid syntax for function call expression
    line 4

I will attach my code below. I know I’m only supposed to snapshot sources not recommended for joins. But I don’t think this error has anything to do with this.

{% snapshot sql_snapshot %}

            target_database='target_db',  -- Replace with your target database
            unique_key='dim_sku_id',                 -- Choose the unique identifier for your data
            strategy='timestamp',                    -- Tracks changes based on a timestamp
            updated_at='UPDATED_AT'         -- The column that determines if a row has changed

    WITH last_inderlivery AS (
            MAX(ROW_LAST_UPDATED_TS) AS latest_filetimestamp
        FROM {{ source('source', 'movements') }} fsm
          AND dim_stockmovements_reason_code_id = 63
        GROUP BY dim_sku_id
    result AS (
            dd.dim_date_id AS dim_date_id,
            CAST(zfs.latest_filetimestamp AS DATE) AS last_delivery_date,
            fs.dim_sku_id AS dim_sku_id,
            CURRENT_DATE - CAST(zfs.latest_filetimestamp AS DATE) AS days_since_last_indelivery,
                WHEN CURRENT_DATE - CAST(zfs.latest_filetimestamp AS DATE) BETWEEN 0 AND 28 THEN 1 -- 0 to 4 weeks
                WHEN CURRENT_DATE - CAST(zfs.latest_filetimestamp AS DATE) BETWEEN 29 AND 56 THEN 2 -- 4 to 8 weeks
                WHEN CURRENT_DATE - CAST(zfs.latest_filetimestamp AS DATE) BETWEEN 57 AND 84 THEN 3 -- 8 to 12 weeks
                WHEN CURRENT_DATE - CAST(zfs.latest_filetimestamp AS DATE) BETWEEN 85 AND 112 THEN 4 -- 12 to 16 weeks
                WHEN CURRENT_DATE - CAST(zfs.latest_filetimestamp AS DATE) > 112 THEN 5 -- more than 16 weeks
                ELSE 0
        FROM {{ source('source', 'stock') }} fs
        JOIN  {{ source('source', 'date') }} dd
            ON fs.dim_date_id = dd.dim_date_id
        JOIN  {{ source('source', 'sku') }} sku
            ON sku.dim_sku_id = fs.dim_sku_id
        LEFT JOIN zfs_last_inderlivery zfs
            ON zfs.dim_sku_id = fs.dim_sku_id
        WHERE dd.dim_date = CURRENT_DATE
          AND fs.dim_warehouse_id = 5
    SELECT *
    FROM result

{% endsnapshot %}

Thanks for any help provided!!

Try removing the comments from your config block

Note: @sutcliffe.alex originally posted this reply in Slack. It might not have transferred perfectly.