Dbt Airflow on Google Cloud Composer -

Hi there,
I’m not sure what the reason is for your error but this is my experience. Hope this helps in a way.
When we used the bash operator we ran into issues with dependencies issues between composer, airflow and dbt. We ended copying our dbt projects into a folder, in the airflow GCS bucket.
We had one folder for many dbt projects. The bash operator ran a dbt_run.sh, passing the needed parameters:

  • target
  • models
  • vars
  • full_refresh
  • repo_name (dbt project name)

The .sh used a Makefile to build the dbt run commands and builds a virtual environment to bypass the dependencies issues. DISCLAIMER: I wouldn’t suggest using running a virtual environment in composer since it’s not approved by Google. We only found out much later and are in the process of changing this. Since you’ve solved the dependencies issues this might still be useful.
Here’s the basic python:

call_dbt_run = BashOperator(
    bash_command=f"/home/airflow/gcs/data/dbt-projects/dbt_run.sh {dbt_target} {dbt_model} {dbt_vars} {full_refresh} {repo_name}",

Here is the .sh:

suffix=$(date +%s$RANDOM)

echo "Start creating virtualenv: dbt_env$suffix"
virtualenv /tmp/dbt_env$suffix --python=python3.6.10
echo "Finish creating virtualenv: dbt_env$suffix"

cd /home/airflow/gcs/data/dbt-projects/

# copy the project repo code to a local temp folder
mkdir -p /tmp/$suffix
cp -r $repo_name /tmp/$suffix
ls /tmp/$suffix/$repo_name

echo "Start activating virtualenv and installing packages: dbt_env$suffix"
source /tmp/dbt_env$suffix/bin/activate && /tmp/dbt_env$suffix/bin/pip install -r ./requirements.txt
echo "Finish activating virtualenv and installing packages: dbt_env$suffix"

if [ "$full_refresh" = "True" ]; then
  make run-full-refresh DBT_TARGET="$dbt_target" DBT_MODELS="$dbt_models" DBT_VARS="$dbt_vars" REPO_NAME="$repo_name" SUFFIX="$suffix"
  make run DBT_TARGET="$dbt_target" DBT_MODELS="$dbt_models" DBT_VARS="$dbt_vars" REPO_NAME="$repo_name" SUFFIX="$suffix"

# capture the exit code from the dbt run command
# so that the final exit code form removing virtualenv cmd doesn't get used by BashOperator

echo "Start removing virtualenv: dbt_env$suffix"
rm -rf /tmp/dbt_env$suffix
echo "Finish removing virtualenv: dbt_env$suffix"

if [ $exit_code -ne 0 ]; then
    echo "exit code $exit_code"

# remove local temp folder
echo "Start removing local dbt folder /tmp/$suffix"
rm -rf /tmp/$suffix
echo "Finish removing local dbt folder /tmp/$suffix"

# rethrowing the exit code to BashOperator
exit $exit_code

And here’s the Makefile:

# special target: .ONESHELL instructs make to invoke a single instance 
# of the shell and provide it with the entire recipe, 
# regardless of how many lines it contains.

# the /home/airflow/gcs/data/dbt-projects/$repo_name will have the models,
# and appropriate dbt files for a particular dbt job object.
# cd $repo_name

	cd /tmp/$(SUFFIX)/$(REPO_NAME)
	dbt debug --profiles-dir=./profiles_dir

	dbt debug --profiles-dir=$(local_path)/profiles_dir

	cd /tmp/$(SUFFIX)/$(REPO_NAME)
	dbt run --target=$(DBT_TARGET) --models=$(DBT_MODELS) --vars '$(DBT_VARS)' --profiles-dir=./profiles_dir

	dbt debug --profiles-dir=$(local_path)/profiles_dir

	cd /tmp/$(SUFFIX)/$(REPO_NAME)
	dbt run --target=$(DBT_TARGET) --models=$(DBT_MODELS) --vars '$(DBT_VARS)' --profiles-dir=./profiles_dir --full-refresh

	echo "$(DBT_TARGET)"

We also use the KubernetesPodOperator in our composer environment (just make sure whether Workload Identity will work in your environment).
Here’s the discourse article with the explanation: Running dbt in Composer using a KubernetesPodOperator