DBT Core With EMR

Is it possible to connect dbt-core with EMR?

I’m getting some errors but I’m not sure what the problem is, is there any specific configuration for the EMR, for example, I can’t use the ec2 key?

18:38:46 adapter type: spark
18:38:46 adapter version: 1.8.0
18:38:46 Configuration:
18:38:46 profiles.yml file [OK found and valid]
18:38:46 dbt_project.yml file [OK found and valid]
18:38:46 Required dependencies:
18:38:46 - git [OK found]

18:38:46 Connection:
18:38:46 host: IP_OF_EMR
18:38:46 port: 10001
18:38:46 cluster: None
18:38:46 endpoint: None
18:38:46 schema: data_lake_tester
18:38:46 organization: 0
18:38:46 Registered adapter: spark=1.8.0
18:38:46 Connection test: [ERROR]

18:38:46 1 check failed:
18:38:46 dbt was unable to connect to the specified database.
The database returned the following error:

Runtime Error
Database Error
failed to connect

Check your database credentials and try again. For more information, visit:
