dbt doesn't seem to read my file from an external table

The problem I’m having

I have an external table that is sourced like this:

  - name: my_name
    database: my_database
    schema: my_schema
      - name: my_table
          location: "gs://my-gcs-bucket/my-path/ds=*"
            - name: ds
              data_type: date
            format: parquet
            enable_list_inference: true

In each ds= folder, I store parquet files with names like: export_1000_to_1130.parquet
It worked fine until I have to upload smaller files and name them like: export_1000_to_1130_abcd.parquet. I use uuid=8 to generate the suffixes of my files.
It looks like my dbt source doesn’t load the new files and only loads the old files. I’ve checked the parquet files and my data is in there. E.g. The IDs of my data. They don’t show up in my table.

I’ve checked dbt docs and couldn’t find any information about the format or naming convention of the files in my partition folders.

Any ideas?