The problem I’m having

I can’t run a python model from my computer. I can run all my SQL models and want to try my first python model.

Having trouble finding why I’m getting the error, or good information about how to work with dbt core with databricks python models.

The context of why I’m trying to do this

dbt core
vscode with plugin vscode-dbt-power-user

Some example code or error messages

file: websites.py
cmd: dbt run -s websites

import pandas as pd

def model(dbt, session):


    # Load data from the source table
    df = dbt.source('bronze_bigquery_websites', 'mysite_events')

    # Create a timestamp
    df['created_at'] = pd.to_datetime(df['event_date'], format='%Y%m%d') + pd.to_timedelta(df['event_timestamp'] / 1000000, unit='s')

    # Return the resulting DataFrame
    return df


Runtime Error
  Runtime Error
    INVALID_PARAMETER_VALUE: Invalid input: RPC CreateSchema Field managedcatalog.SchemaInfo.name: name "" is not a valid name

I didn’t understand your answer

Note: @shahzainahmed991 originally posted this reply in Slack. It might not have transferred perfectly.

I’ve used dbt first time I don’t have too much idea about this!!..

Note: @shahzainahmed991 originally posted this reply in Slack. It might not have transferred perfectly.