May 8, 2023, 11:21am
I’m trying to create a new pre-hook
in dbt that inserts some data into a specific table every time it runs. When I define the pre-hook
using the dbt_project.yml
file, the model fails. However, when I define the pre-hook
directly in the model config section, it runs successfully. When I checked the SQL that is causing the failure using “snowflake.account_usage.QUERY_HISTORY”, it appears that dbt is generating this string as a query and attempting to run it as a model | column | data_type | | ----------------------- | --------- | | number of rows inserted | Number |
I suspect that the issue is related to the fact that the macro I’m using as a pre-hook
executes an INSERT
statement. However, I’m not sure why it works correctly when I call it from inside the model config section, but fails when I try to call it from the dbt_project.yml
The error message - SQL compilation error: syntax error line 1 at position 0 unexpected ‘|’.
May 8, 2023, 11:29am
can you post ur macro code and code how you are calling the pre-hook from dbt_project.yml
May 8, 2023, 11:43am
This is how I call this macro from the dbt_project.yml:
schema: tttt
+unique_key: 'ID'
+successor_unique_key: 'ID'
+union_condition_key: 'a'
+successor_union_condition_key: 'b'
+pre-hook: '{{ add_row_count_record_for_enriched_positions_table(run_on_raw=True, run_on_canonic=True) }}'
+post-hook: '{{ add_row_count_record_for_enriched_positions_table(run_on_enriched=True) }}'
May 8, 2023, 11:50am
Here’s the relevant macro that I’m using for the pre-hook
(it works correctly when I call it from the model directly):
{% macro add_row_count_record_for_enriched_positions_table(database_name='', schema_name='', table_name='', run_on_enriched=False, run_on_canonic=False, run_on_raw=False, where_clause='') %}
{% if execute %}
{% set this_database_name = database_name.upper() %}
{% if this_database_name == '' %}
{% set this_database_name = this.database.upper() %}
{% endif %}
{% set this_schema_name = schema_name.upper() %}
{% if this_schema_name == '' %}
{% set this_schema_name = this.schema.upper() %}
{% endif %}
{% set this_table_name = table_name.upper() %}
{% if this_table_name == '' %}
{% set this_table_name = this.table.upper() %}
{% endif %}
{% set this_where_clause = where_clause %}
{% if run_on_enriched == True %}
{{ add_rows_count_record_of_this_table(database_name=this_database_name, schema_name=this_schema_name, table_name=this_table_name) }}
{% endif %}
{% if run_on_raw == True %}
{% set this_raw_schema_name = this_schema_name | replace("ENRICHED", "RAW") %}
{{ add_rows_count_record_of_this_table(database_name=this_database_name, schema_name=this_raw_schema_name, table_name=this_table_name) }}
{% endif %}
{% if run_on_canonic == True %}
{% set this_canonic_schema_name = this_schema_name | replace("ENRICHED", "CANONIC") %}
{{ add_rows_count_record_of_this_table(database_name=this_database_name, schema_name=this_canonic_schema_name, table_name=this_table_name) }}
{% endif %}
{{ execution_log("Monitoring system - finished successfully") }}
{% endif %}
{% endmacro %}
{% macro add_rows_count_record_of_this_table(database_name, schema_name, table_name, where_clause = '') %}
{% set this_database_name = database_name %}
{% set this_schema_name = schema_name %}
{% set this_table_name = table_name %}
{% set this_where_clause = where_clause %}
{% set rows_number = get_table_rows_count(this_database_name, this_schema_name, this_table_name) %}
{{ execute_the_insereration_of_rows_count_record(this_database_name, this_schema_name, this_table_name, rows_number, this_where_clause) }}
{{ execution_log("Monitoring system - row count record added successfully for: " + this_database_name + "." + this_schema_name + "." + this_table_name) }}
{% endmacro %}
{% macro execute_the_insereration_of_rows_count_record(database_name, schema_name, table_name, rows_number, where_clause = '') %}
{% set this_database_name = database_name %}
{% set this_schema_name = schema_name %}
{% set this_table_name = table_name %}
{% set this_where_clause = where_clause %}
{% set rows_number = rows_number %}
{% set monitoring_db = var('monitoring_db') %}
{% set snapshots_schema = var('snapshots_schema') %}
{% set rows_count_table = 'ROWS_COUNT' %}
{% set insert_rows_count_record_query %}
INSERT INTO {{monitoring_db}}.{{snapshots_schema}}.{{rows_count_table}} (DATABASE_NAME, SCHEMA_NAME, TABLE_NAME, TIMESTAMP, ROW_COUNT)
VALUES ('{{this_database_name}}', '{{this_schema_name}}', '{{this_table_name}}', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, {{rows_number}});
{% endset %}
{{ execution_log("Monitoring system - generate new record of rows count for - " + this_table_name) }}
{{ execution_log("Monitoring system - number of rows counted - " + rows_number|string) }}
{{ run_query(insert_rows_count_record_query) }}
{% endmacro %}
{% macro get_table_rows_count(database_name, schema_name, table_name, where_clause = '') %}
{% set this_database_name = database_name %}
{% set this_schema_name = schema_name %}
{% set this_table_name = table_name %}
{% set this_where_clause = where_clause %}
{% set count_rows_query %}
SELECT COALESCE(COUNT(*), 0) FROM {{this_database_name}}.{{this_schema_name}}.{{this_table_name}}
{{ this_where_clause }};
{% endset %}
{% set rows_number = run_query(count_rows_query).rows[0][0] %}
{{ return(rows_number) }}
{% endmacro %}