Error: Server error: Database Error in rpc request (from remote system)

Server error: Database Error in rpc request (from remote system)
001003 (42000): SQL compilation error:
syntax error line 1 at position 23 unexpected ‘.’.

copy and paste the compiled version of that in the db and check the actual error
if you have a macro compile it before to use it so you can check if it’s correct
this for ref if you never looked at it

Server error: Database Error in rpc request (from remote system)
001003 (42000): SQL compilation error:
syntax error line 1 at position 0 unexpected ‘<’.

<dbt.clients.jinja.MacroGenerator object at 0x7fa1f836ffd0>
limit 500
/* limit added automatically by dbt cloud */

Did you forget to put brackets at the end of your macro, eg my_macro instead of my_macro()?

Posting just the error message but not the code that caused it is not very helpful, but that’s my best guess. If that’s not it, please post the code that you’re trying to preview