How to do folder based testing ?

The problem I’m having

I cannot test several models at once and I need to access the name of the model being tested as I am calling a generic test

The context of why I’m trying to do this

(All the code snippets are from my schema.yml)
Working on a numerous amount of models, I want to group tests and ideally have something like:

version: 2
  - name: '*'
      - condition_ratio:
          source_table: "{{ get_source_table('*.name') }}"

(Obviously the above code is ridiculous but it is there to explain the end idea).

What I’ve already tried

  • Using the ‘group’ tag and applying it to my schema.yml scoped file among my other tests.
  • Using the "-name: ‘*’ " model to try to “apply to all” models including these in sub-folders.

Some example code or error messages

The following code

version: 2

  - name: '*'
      - my_condition:
          source_table: "{{ get_source('') }}"

Gives me

'test.proj.condition_macro.modelname' (path\to\schema.yml) depends on a node named '*' in package ' ' which was not found
Encountered an error:
Parsing Error in model my_model1 (path\to\my_model1.sql)
  Invalid group 'published', expected one of []