The problem I’m having:
I want to run models using --select tag:...
, but the tag needs to be added dynamically based on a value from another model. However, I can’t figure out how to add the tag dynamically to the model.
The context of why I’m trying to do this:
I have multiple clients with the same data sources. Each client’s data needs to be refreshed on different schedules: hourly, daily, weekly, etc. With hundreds of clients and tables, I don’t want to rewrite models for each client and each source multiple times. I have created a model that generates tables in distinct environments (distinct Snowflake databases). Since data refresh schedules can change, I can’t hardcode tags in the models.
What I’ve already tried:
My source.yml file looks as this:
version: 2
- name: facebook_ads
schema: "{{ env_var('DBT_SCHEMA') ~ 'FACEBOOK_ADS' }}"
tables: &facebook_ads_tables
- name: AD_HISTORY
- name: settings
database: settings
schema: customers
- name: customers_database
I have multiple environments for each client with settings to determine the target database and schema.
I think macros should help add the tag based on a value in the customers_database
model. I created the following macro:
{% macro get_sync_frequency(environment_name) %}
{% set sql %}
FROM {{ ref('stg_customers_database') }}
WHERE SCHEMA_NAME = '{{ environment_name }}'
{% endset %}
{% set result = run_query(sql) %}
{% if result and result.rows %}
{% set sync_frequency = load_result(result).rows[0][0] %}
{{ return(sync_frequency) }}
{% else %}
{% do log("No result found for environment_name: " ~ environment_name, info=True) %}
{{ return('default_frequency') }}
{% endif %}
{% endmacro %}
Then I add this to the top of the model:
{% set sync_frequency = get_sync_frequency(env_var('DBT_ENVIRONMENT_NAME')) %}
{{ config(
) }}
Also, in dbt_project.yml file I added the following:
- "{{ get_sync_frequency(env_var('DBT_ENVIRONMENT_NAME')) }}"
However, this does not work; no tags are added to the model.
What am I doing wrong here?