How to generate tables and its columns schema yaml reading from snowflake information_schema.columns

Instead of manually typing all tables and columns and descriptions in schema.yml

Step 1: Add dbt-labs/codegen package in package.yml

  - package: dbt-labs/codegen
    version: 0.9.0

  - package: calogica/dbt_expectations
    version: 0.8.2

Step 2: Create file macros/generate_source.sql

{% macro generate_source(database_name, schema_name, source_name) %}

{% set sql %}
    with "columns" as (
        select '- name: ' || lower(column_name) || '\n            description: "'|| lower(column_name) || ' (snowflake data type: '|| lower(DATA_TYPE) || ')"'
            as column_statement,
        from {{ database_name }}.information_schema.columns
        where table_schema = '{{ schema_name | upper }}' and table_name not in ('FIVETRAN_AUDIT', 'SCHEMA_MIGRATIONS')
            and lower(column_name) not in ('_fivetran_deleted', '_fivetran_synced')
    tables as (
        select table_name,
        '\n      - name: ' || lower(table_name) || '\n        columns:' || listagg('\n          ' || column_statement || '\n') within group ( order by column_name ) as table_desc
        from "columns"
        group by table_name

    select listagg(table_desc) within group ( order by table_name )
    from tables;
{% endset %}

{%- call statement('generator', fetch_result=True) -%}
{{ sql }}
{%- endcall -%}

{%- set states=load_result('generator') -%}
{%- set states_data=states['data'] -%}
{%- set states_status=states['response'] -%}

{% set sources_yaml=[] %}
{% do sources_yaml.append('version: 2') %}
{% do sources_yaml.append('') %}
{% do sources_yaml.append('sources:') %}
{% do sources_yaml.append('  - name: ' ~ source_name | lower) %}
{% do sources_yaml.append('    description: ""' ) %}
{% do sources_yaml.append('    database: ' ~ database_name | lower) %}
{% do sources_yaml.append('    schema: ' ~ schema_name | lower) %}
{% do sources_yaml.append('    loader: fivetran') %}
{% do sources_yaml.append('    loaded_at_field: _FIVETRAN_SYNCED') %}
{% do sources_yaml.append('    meta:') %}
{% do sources_yaml.append('      owner: ""') %}
{% do sources_yaml.append('      tags: [""]') %}
{% do sources_yaml.append('      subscribers: ["@data-team"]') %}

{% do sources_yaml.append('    tables:' ~ states_data[0][0] ) %}

{% if execute %}

{% set joined = sources_yaml | join ('\n') %}
{{ log(joined, info=True) }}
{% do return(joined) %}

{% endif %}

{% endmacro %}

Step 3: Create macro arguments docs in macros/properties.yml

version: 2

  - name: generate_source
    description: A macro to generate source tables and columns from database_name.information_schema.columns
      - name: database_name
        type: string
        description: The database name
      - name: schema_name
        type: string
        description: The schema name
      - name: source_name
        type: string
        description: The name of the source. For example, `raw_accounting`

Step 4: Run the following in your dbtCLI

dbt clean
dbt deps

# this will generate yml formatted, copy and paste it to your desired file location
dbt run-operation generate_source --args '{"database_name": "your_snowflake_database_name", "schema_name": "your_snowflake_schema_name", "source_name": "source_name_you_want_to_name_with_your_source"}'

**This can be improve by exporting the generated source as yml file