The problem I’m having
The context of why I’m trying to do this
I have a data in snowflake stage and I need to use copy into to load the data in
What I’ve already tried
{% macro unload_data_to_snowflake() %}
{{ log("Unloading data", True) }}
COPY INTO anaplan_raw.quarterly_cashflow_master_project
FROM @my_azure_stage/QuaterlyMasterProjectDDQ.csv
FILE_FORMAT = (TYPE = 'CSV' SKIP_HEADER = 1 field_optionally_enclosed_by='"')
{{ log("Unloaded data", True) }}
{% endmacro %}`
Some example code or error messages
Put code inside backticks
to preserve indentation
which is especially important
for Python and YAML!
I have no idea how to make this work as a macro. It just won’t load into it. Thanks