The problem I’m having
We’ve connected our dbt cloud instance to redshift. We have 1 large run that used to take about 5 hours, but it recently started reaching 12 hours before it was canceled by the max run time rules. All but 1 task will have finished (154/155). The logs show this at the end. (I’ve changed the model names to be generic.)
08:30:08 155 of 155 OK created sql table model datavault.model_155 .. [SELECT in 1884.13s]
13:14:08 CANCEL query model.datavault.model_a ................... [CANCEL]
13:14:08 CANCEL query snapshot.datavault.model_b .................... [CANCEL]
13:14:08 CANCEL query model.datavault.model_c ..................... [CANCEL]
/usr/lib/python3.8/multiprocessing/ UserWarning: resource_tracker: There appear to be 3 leaked semaphore objects to clean up at shutdown
warnings.warn('resource_tracker: There appear to be %d '
Why isn’t the dbt run finishing anymore?
Is the error a red herring? Is redshift not marking some queries as done?