Local Variable/set variable usage in config block

Hi Team,

Is there any way we can use variable which value through set function can be used in config pre_hook or post_hook section ?

{%- set empDelId = get_emp_id_to_delete() %}

config(materialized = ‘incremental’,
pre_hook = [ " DELETE FROM {{ source(‘myWIsource’, ‘Employees’) }} where employee_di = empDelId"

No, this won’t work – set creates a local variable that is inaccessible outside the model’s context.

Instead, I would create a macro and call the macro in the pre_hook:

config(materialized = ‘incremental’,
pre_hook = [ "{{ delete_users() }}"]
{% macro delete_users() %}
{%- set empDelId = get_emp_id_to_delete() %}
DELETE FROM {{ source(‘myWIsource’, ‘Employees’) }} where employee_di = {{ empDelId }}
{% endmacro %}

Or you could just call the get_emp_id_to_delete macro from your pre-hook:
config(materialized = ‘incremental’,
pre_hook = [ “DELETE FROM {{ source(‘myWIsource’, ‘Employees’) }} where employee_di = {{ get_emp_id_to_delete() }}”

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Thank you @ted.conbeer (y)

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