Macro/test takes no keyword argument 'name'

The problem I’m having

I am running a dbt built in test named accepted_values for a column and i am giving the name for the test.
However when running dbt compile, i am getting below error : macro ‘dbt_macro__test_accepted_values’ takes no keyword argument ‘name’.

The name argument is the name of the test in the schema.yml file.

- name: <column_name>
        description: <desc>
        tests: #Defining the accepted values
          - accepted_values:
              name: <test_name>
              values: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11]

Some example code or error messages

macro 'dbt_macro__test_accepted_values' takes no keyword argument 'name'
  > in macro test_accepted_values (tests/generic/builtin.sql)

You need to provide the exact YAML definition including spacing of your test, because this is almost certainly a YAML problem

Note: @Mike Stanley originally posted this reply in Slack. It might not have transferred perfectly.

hi @a_slack_user , thanks for your help. Please see the above.

Hmm and I see that you did actually do that and Discourse just didn’t render the code block for me, it popped in after I pressed enter! Tests do not actually have a name property, so where you have name: &lt;test_name&gt; in your YAML, this isn’t valid. If you look at the example here(, it has a name property but it is a property of the column, not of the test. So the name is getting passed to your test macro and this is causing an error.

Yes I agree that tests should have names and it’s pretty infuriating that they don’t… but they don’t I’m afraid.

Note: @Mike Stanley originally posted this reply in Slack. It might not have transferred perfectly.

Hi @a_slack_user , I beleive one can provide custom name for a test as mentioned here About tests property | dbt Developer Hub in the same link that you provided.