Manifest related error when building models with the new upgraded dbt version 1.8.

The problem I’m having

When attempted to upgrade our dbt version to 1.8.7 we are getting 2 types of errors:

  1. RefableLookup.find() missing 1 required positional argument: ‘manifest’ when building source models, aka using {{source()}} dbt built in macro.
    • Compilation Error in model_name_child caused by compilation error in referenced ephemeral model model_name_parent

When testing locally we cannot reproduce the errors. We only get it in production. Our production runs are orchestrated by dagster which did not catch the error in branch deployment or staging.

The context of why I’m trying to do this

Upgrade to the latest dbt version.

What I’ve already tried

I have already tried local testing to reproduce the error.

Some example code or error messages

RefableLookup.find() missing 1 required positional argument: 'manifest'
* Compilation Error in *model_name_child* caused by compilation error in referenced ephemeral model *model_name_parent* 

I’m facing the same issue after upgrading to dbt 1.8.2, but in a Databricks environment. Were you able to find a solution or workaround for this? Any insights would be super helpful! Thanks in advance