Override built-in incremental strategy for BigQuery adapter

Since custom incremental strategies are not available for BigQuery adapter, I would like to override the default behavior of the insert_overwrite incremental strategy.

There are certain scenarios where I would like to execute a plain INSERT INTO statement, i.e. when adding new data for a cluster that wasn’t available in the source before. I don’t want to run a full refresh because it would be more expensive, so I need to go to BigQuery console and run the statement myself one by one on all the affected models. I would like to do this through dbt instead to make it quicker, so I have thought on editing the default macro to control the logic through a variable like this:

{% macro get_incremental_insert_overwrite_sql(arg_dict) %}
    We're overriding the default "insert_overwrite" strategy.
    If a "insert_only" variable is received and we're on an
    incrmeental run, we will perform run a INSERT INTO statement
    without overwriting any partition
    {{ log("Entered macro") }}
    {% if var("insert_only") and is_incremental() %}

    {%- set dest_cols_csv = get_quoted_csv(arg_dict["dest_columns"] | map(attribute="name")) -%}

    INSERT INTO {{ arg_dict["target_relation"] }} ({{ dest_cols_csv }})
        SELECT {{ dest_cols_csv }}
        FROM {{ arg_dict["temp_relation"] }}

    {% else %}

        {{ return(adapter.dispatch('get_incremental_insert_overwrite_sql', 'dbt')(arg_dict)) }}

    {% endif %}

{% endmacro %}

However, even I have purposedly overrided the get_incremental_insert_overwrite_sql macro, it looks like my models are always using the default macro instead of this new logic when I feed the `–vars ‘{insert_only: true}’ variable. I know this because no log is being output to the log.file

Is it possible to override this macro on BigQuery, or is it that I need to name it differently?

Hey! As this question was raised during Christmas and many people was away, I’m replying to get some attention back to the thread. Any ideas on how to proceed here?