Running dbt in Airflow using GKEStartPodOperator


I would like to run dbt using the GKEStartPodOperator Airflow Operator but I am struggling to find the proper way to authenticate dbt so that it can perform operations on Google Cloud BigQuery.

So here’s my profile in profiles.yaml file:

  target: prod
      type: bigquery
      method: oauth
      project: my-gcp-project
      dataset: production
      location: EU
      threads: 6
      job_execution_timeout_seconds: 28800 # 8 hours
      priority: "{{ env_var('BQ_PRIORITY', 'interactive') }}"
      retries: 3

      type: bigquery
      method: oauth
      project: my-gcp-project
      dataset: production
      location: EU
      threads: 6
      job_execution_timeout_seconds: 28800 # 8 hours
      retries: 3

And here’s my GKEStartPodOperator configuration:

def default_k8s_args(dag, default_args, name="no-name"):
    return {
        "dag": dag,
        "default_args": default_args,
        "execution_timeout": timedelta(hours=12),
        "project_id": K8S_PROJECT_ID,
        "location": K8S_LOCATION,
        "cluster_name": K8S_CLUSTER_NAME,
        "name": f"dbt-{dag.dag_id}-{name}",
        "namespace": GCP_PROJECT,
        "is_delete_operator_pod": True,
        "container_resources": COMPUTE_RESOURCES,
        "startup_timeout_seconds": 600,
        "image": f"{DBT_IMAGE_REPO}:{DBT_IMAGE_TAG}",
        "image_pull_policy": "Always",
        "env_vars": {"SLACK_BOT_TOKEN": SLACK_CONN_ID, "PYTHONUNBUFFERED": "1"},
        "gcp_conn_id": GCP_PROJECT,

dbt_pre_build_tests = GKEStartPodOperator(
        "dbt test --target prod --select assert_pks",
    **default_k8s_args(dag, default_args, name="pre_build_tests"),

The pod launches successfully but then I’m getting the following error:

[2024-12-05, 14:39:08 UTC] {} INFO - e[0m14:39:08  Found 86 models, 16 tests, 3 snapshots, 0 analyses, 469 macros, 2 operations, 0 seed files, 91 sources, 0 exposures, 0 metrics
[2024-12-05, 14:39:08 UTC] {} INFO - e[0m14:39:08
[2024-12-05, 14:39:08 UTC] {} INFO - e[0m14:39:08  Encountered an error:
[2024-12-05, 14:39:08 UTC] {} INFO - Database Error
[2024-12-05, 14:39:08 UTC] {} INFO -   [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/etc/secrets/[GCP_PROJECT]/credentials.json'
[2024-12-05, 14:39:10 UTC] {} ERROR - Error parsing timestamp (no timestamp in message ''). Will continue execution but won't update timestamp
[2024-12-05, 14:39:10 UTC] {} INFO - 
[2024-12-05, 14:39:10 UTC] {} WARNING - Pod dbt-data-ext-omnitracking-morning-job-py-pre-build-tests-gbkd7d9v log read interrupted but container base still running

Can someone help me, please?

Thanks in advance.