Runtime Error when running dbt build in deployment environment (Databricks)

The problem I’m having

Runtime Error
  Runtime Error
    Catalog '' plugin class not found: is not defined

The context of why I’m trying to do this

Running a dbt build command as a job in my Databricks deployment environment in dbt-cloud. The same code works in the development environment.

What I’ve already tried

Searching the forum and the internet for similar issues.

Some example code or error messages

e[0m23:44:11  Running with dbt=1.4.1
e[0m23:44:11  Unable to do partial parsing because saved manifest not found. Starting full parse.
e[0m23:44:12  Found 4 models, 4 tests, 0 snapshots, 0 analyses, 372 macros, 0 operations, 0 seed files, 1 source, 0 exposures, 0 metrics
e[0m23:44:13  Finished running  in 0 hours 0 minutes and 0.84 seconds (0.84s).
Runtime Error
  Runtime Error
    Catalog '' plugin class not found: is not defined

I don’t have experience with this directly, but from my searching, it is either:

  • Catalog name is filled in incorrectly (Do you actually have a Catalog named after your email?)
  • Compute cluster was not enabled for unity catalog