The Three Levels of SQL Comprehension: What they are and why you need to know about them

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at The Three Levels of SQL Comprehension: What they are and why you need to know about them | dbt Developer Blog

Thanks a lot for this article, it is very nice and I’m looking forward to more information. I understood from this article that SQL comprehension will be improved through the implementation of SDF Labs in dbt. But, it is still unclear for me what would be the key advantage as dbt users ? On SDF website, we can see this schema (below). Does it mean that the main of acquiring SDF Labs will allow dbt to run queries faster because it will better understand SQL queries ?
Thx in advance for your answer !

Glad you enjoyed it! Tristan discussed some of the benefits dbt users will see in his announcement blog post: dbt Labs acquires SDF Labs to accelerate the dbt developer experience | dbt Labs

We’ll share more specifics as we have them. For now, there’s a webinar (including Q&A) next week: