Unable to run the example model when I connect to oracle DB. I am getting the below error.

Unable to run the example model when I connect to oracle DB. I am getting the below error.

I am able to connect to the DB without any problem when I run dbt debug.

I have made sure all the details in the model is correct

Some example code or error messages

 ORA-00923: Schlüsselwort FROM nicht an erwarteter Stelle gefunden

View Detailed Error 🚨
  "code": -1,
  "message": "Database Error\n  ORA-00923: Schlüsselwort FROM nicht an erwarteter Stelle gefunden",

As its a database error there is syntax issue in the sql code, Can you please check your compiled model sql file in ur target folder and try to run the code directly on ur database to understand the error

My compiled code in the target folder looks like this. I do not understand what I am doing wrong

  create  table RDW_PCETLT.dim_customer__dbt_tmp

with customers (id, cust_name, city) as (

    "A1"."CITY"          "CITY"

select * from customers

My model looks like this:

{{ config (

with customers (id, cust_name, city) as (

    "A1"."CITY"          "CITY"

select * from customers

your first column selected has two sets of quotes (" and ') around CUSTOMER_ID - is that valid SQL for oracle?

The fact that the error message is “keyword FROM not found in expected place” makes me think that your SQL itself is invalid. The other thing that looks strange to me is that the compiled code doesn’t have brackets after the as clause. I’m not familiar with Oracle’s syntax so not sure whether that’s expected or a bug in the adapter.