I´d like to use bigquery wildcard tables as source in a dbt pipeline but I´m not sure how can I do this without update the YML code everyday…
For example, I have a wildcard table like: table_name_2024* and its subtables table_name_202401*, table_name_202402*, …, table_name_202408* and for each one there are 30 or 31 subtables like table_name_20240801, table_name_20240802, …
Well, if I declared in my src_file a table as table_name_20240802, this is a fixed name and I will have to edit and update the file name everyday… what can I do to dbt understand that my table is a wildcard table and change the name automatically based on current date?
Use table_name_202408* or table_name_2024* its not a solution because I will need to edit the YML source file every month or every year…
Is there any solution to define a dynamic table_name into the YML source file?
Thanks in advance.