The problem I’m having…
I am using a dbt core project inside of a docker compose container. I am trying to connect to my target database (postgres). I keep getting connection issues.
The context of why I’m trying to do this…
We are trying to use in a Docker Compose template to load from a AWS RDS MS SQL Server Express database to a localhost via port forwarding Postgres Target database. The Mage project can connect to bothe the RDS Source and the Postgres Target databases. I just can get the dbt connection to the Target Postgres database to work.
What I’ve already tried …
- using the .env file for the project Environmental variables reference in the profiles.yml for the postgres connection - errors that it can find the environmental variables
- setting the docker-compose.yml ports to add in the 5432 postgres port and setting the profiles.yml postges host to host.docker.internal - errors that it doesn’t recognize host.docker.internal
– using same seup as above but changing the profiles.yml postgres host to localhost - dbt debug says connection closes prematurely
Some example code or error messages
Put code inside backticks
to preserve indentation
which is especially important
for Python and YAML!