Airflow on Docker: How to update git version from 2.20 to atleast 2.25 when creating a DBT package

I set up an airflow environment (on Docker platform) an year back. I am not in a position to upgrade to latest airflow version.

Customer is trying to create a dbt package (essentially a git repo) and link to it within dbt.

Error message: Please update your git version to pull a dbt package from a sub directory: your version is 2.20.1, >= 2.25.0 needed.

How to upgrade git version?

I can share my Dockerfile

following is my Docker file

FROM apache/airflow:2.2.4-python3.9 RUN pip install “apache-airflow-providers-microsoft-mssql” “apache-airflow-providers-snowflake” “authlib” “Flask-OpenID”

USER root RUN apt-get update
&& apt-get install -y git libpq-dev python-dev python3-pip
&& apt-get remove python-cffi

RUN pip install --upgrade cffi RUN pip install cryptography~=3.4

USER airflow RUN pip install airflow-dbt-python RUN pip install dbt-sqlserver==1.0.0 RUN pip install dbt-snowflake==1.0.0 RUN dbt --version