Cannot connect to Snowflake Database from Cloud dbt IDE


I have trouble replicating Step 7 of ’ Quickstart for dbt Cloud and Snowflake’. I tried to create the customers model but my dbt run failed. Error is ‘Database ‘RAW’ does not exist or not authorized’.’

Update 8/5/2024

After I granted permissions specifically to ‘PC_dbt_ROLE’ in snowflake ‘RAW’ database, the error message has changed to 'Object ‘RAW.JAFFLE_SHOP.CUSTOMERS’ does not exist or not authorized. I assume that means I now have access to RAW db and JAFFLE_SHOP schema but no access to the customers table.

Other Details

The role in my project setting is PC_dbt_ROLE, and ‘session keep live’ is unchecked. Not sure what I have missed.

Some example code or error messages

18:42:02 Began running node model.my_new_project.customers
18:42:02 1 of 3 START sql view model dbt_XXie.customers ................................. [RUN]
18:42:02 Began compiling node model.my_new_project.customers
18:42:02 Writing injected SQL for node "model.my_new_project.customers"
18:42:02 Began executing node model.my_new_project.customers
18:42:02 Writing runtime sql for node "model.my_new_project.customers"
18:42:02 Using snowflake connection "model.my_new_project.customers"
18:42:02 On model.my_new_project.customers: /* {"app": "dbt", "dbt_version": "2024.8.221", "profile_name": "user", "target_name": "default", "node_id": "model.my_new_project.customers"} */
create or replace   view PC_DBT_DB.dbt_XXie.customers
   as (
    with customers as (

        id as customer_id,

    from raw.jaffle_shop.customers


orders as (

        id as order_id,
        user_id as customer_id,

    from raw.jaffle_shop.orders


customer_orders as (


        min(order_date) as first_order_date,
        max(order_date) as most_recent_order_date,
        count(order_id) as number_of_orders

    from orders

    group by 1


final as (

        coalesce(customer_orders.number_of_orders, 0) as number_of_orders

    from customers

    left join customer_orders using (customer_id)


select * from final
18:42:02 Opening a new connection, currently in state closed
18:42:02 Snowflake adapter: Snowflake query id: 01b626e2-0306-d23a-0000-0007caebc23d
18:42:02 Snowflake adapter: Snowflake error: 002003 (02000): 01b626e2-0306-d23a-0000-0007caebc23d: SQL compilation error:
Database 'RAW' does not exist or not authorized.
18:42:02 On model.my_new_project.customers: Close
18:42:02 Database Error in model customers (models/customers.sql)
  002003 (02000): 01b626e2-0306-d23a-0000-0007caebc23d: SQL compilation error:
  Database 'RAW' does not exist or not authorized.
  compiled Code at target/run/my_new_project/models/customers.sql
18:42:02 1 of 3 ERROR creating sql view model dbt_XXie.customers ........................ [e[31mERRORe[0m in 0.30s]
18:42:02 Finished running node model.my_new_project.customers
18:42:04   Database Error in model customers (models/customers.sql)
  002003 (02000): 01b626e2-0306-d23a-0000-0007caebc23d: SQL compilation error:
  Database 'RAW' does not exist or not authorized.
  compiled Code at target/run/my_new_project/models/customers.sql

I solved this issue by granting USAGE permission to all databases and schemas that my model uses and SELECT permission to my tables.

tried this but didn’t worked

how did you do that, the specific code or setting