I’m new to dbt and currently trying to follow the Fundamentals course. Unfortunately, I’m currently having some issues with setting up the dbt cloud and Snowflake. I’ve already executed steps 1 to 6 but step 7 of the tutorial currently fails for me. Whenever I try to execute the code mentioned there, I encounter the following message:
08:57:52 Opening a new connection, currently in state closed
08:57:53 Snowflake adapter: Snowflake query id: 01b2c7f9-0203-808f-0000-00024c0a60e1
08:57:53 Snowflake adapter: Snowflake error: 002003 (02000): SQL compilation error:
Database '"`DBT-TUTORIAL`"' does not exist or not authorized.
08:57:53 Timing info for model.my_new_project.customers (execute): 08:57:52.812139 => 08:57:53.800651
08:57:53 On model.my_new_project.customers: Close
08:57:54 Database Error in model customers (models/customers.sql)
002003 (02000): SQL compilation error:
Database '"`DBT-TUTORIAL`"' does not exist or not authorized.
compiled Code at target/run/my_new_project/models/customers.sql
08:57:54 1 of 3 ERROR creating sql view model dbt_lbrausch.customers .................... [ERROR in 1.24s]
08:57:54 Finished running node model.my_new_project.customers
There is already a similar topic but as there were no replies, I decided to open a new topic.
Any help would be highly appreciated. Thank you very much.