Hello, using dbt on postgres db, I am seeing the below error;
06:50:11 Running with dbt=1.3.1
06:50:12 Unable to do partial parsing because a project config has changed
06:50:14 Encountered an error:
Compilation Error in model vw_connections_call (folder_name/Views/vw_connections_call.sql)
tag name expected
line 60
WHEN c.direction::text = 'Inbound'::text AND "substring"(c.extension_route::text, 1, 3) ~~ '%{%'::text THEN "substring"(c.extension_route::text, 1, 5)
Any suggestions for how I can quote the curly brace and percent signs here to prevent dbt from seemingly thinking something python/jinja related is being invoked with that character?