DBT Python Model for DBT-Postgres Adapter

Not able to create python model in Project which has dbt-postgres and dbt-core
getting below error
Materialization “materialization_table_default” only supports languages [‘sql’]; got “python”

Library using





I don’t believe postgres supports python models.

Note: @Jeremy Yeo originally posted this reply in Slack. It might not have transferred perfectly.

But can’t we use dbt-core for python model ?

Nope. dbt doesn’t do any computation. Everything is done on your dwh whether they are sql models or python models. So if your dwh doesn’t support python then you’re kinda out of luck. Snowflake can run python via snowpark and that’s how python models are support with dbt-snowflake. Bigquery/GCP has dataproc and that’s how dbt-bigquery can do python models. Postgres doesn’t have a python runtime unlike the other 2 dwh technologies I’ve mentioned afaik.

Note: @Jeremy Yeo originally posted this reply in Slack. It might not have transferred perfectly.

Any idea when python models will be supported for postgres