The problem I’m having
I have linked my current big query project(project1) using service account json file in profile.yml. Now I want to access another table from another big query project(project2). But I am getting “access denied” error as shown below.
What I’ve already tried
I tried same query in bigquery editor in project 1 fetching data from project2 and it’s working fine.
My understanding is: The project we linked using profile.yml is the location where our models or modified tables will be written. And for input we can use source.yml files to give sources from same project of big query.
But I want source from another project in big query(project2)
Some example code or error messages
Access Denied: Table project2-dbt-practice:dbt2_demo_bq.customers: User does not have permission to query table project2-dbt-practice:dbt2_demo_bq.customers, or perhaps it does not exist in location US.