Error connecting dbt Cloud to Snowflake via OAuth

Can someone help troubleshoot why I’m unable to connect to Snowflake from dbt Cloud?

The problem I’m having

I’m trying to connect dbt Cloud to my Snowflake instance and getting the following error message:

Command failed

Runtime Error
  Database error while listing schemas in database "DBT_ANALYTICS"
  Database Error
    Internal Error
      need a client ID a client secret, and a refresh token to get an access token

From a search on the error, it looks like oauth_client_id , oauth_client_secret , or token is None: dbt-snowflake/dbt/adapters/snowflake/ at 6e41ad2c86094b104d840de03cca43fc0cb7006e · dbt-labs/dbt-snowflake · GitHub

What I’ve already tried

My Snowflake account URL is

I followed the instructions here to create a security integration in Snowflake and get client_id and client_secret .

I created a dbt project, and on the “Configure your development environment” step, I entered the following

Account: "abc12345" (I've also tried "" and "")
Database: "DBT_ANALYTICS" (from Quickstart/Demo, data populated)
Warehouse: [a warehouse I know works]
OAuth method: Snowflake
SSO OAuth Client ID: client_id
OAuth Client Secret: client_secret

Optional settings

Role: I've tried both leaving it blank and entering a role with pretty high permissions. I can look into specifics here if it's helpful
Session Keep Alive: not checked

Development credentials

Auth method: Snowflake SSO
Schema: "dbt_hpecker" (default, not yet created in Snowflake)
Target name: "default"
Threads: 6 (default)

Connect Snowflake Account is greyed out.