How to run all models daily and run specific view models when there is a change in them only

The problem I’m having

We would like to use a deployment strategy, in dbt cloud, that builds all models which needs to be run daily, among them we have view models which needs to be run only if there is any change in the base model of the view.

The context of why I’m trying to do this

We need run all models daily, among them we have view models which needs to be run only if there is any change in the base model for the view.

models : stage_orders, int_orders , agg_orders , agg_order_views

deployment strategy to run all the stage_orders, int_orders , agg_orders daily and run the agg_order_views only when there is any change in agg_orders model definition.

What I’ve already tried

I’ve looked at the documentation and tried using the dbt run --select state:modified+ but it is not working. Tried creating a macro , but so far i haven’t managed to get to the desired command statement.

dbt user.

This is solved by having 2 jobs
job1) dbt run --exclude agg_order_views ## this runs all the models except agg_order_views
job2) dbt run --select:modified+ +agg_order_views --exclude ## this will run when there is change in agg_order_view table

job2 is dependent on job1 and run immediately after job1 completes.


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