I have wrote macro ‘{% macro get_two_quarters_ago_end() %}
dateadd(day, - 1, dateadd(‘QUARTER’, - 1, date_trunc(‘QUARTER’, current_date())))
{% endmacro %}’ to calculate dynamic date from two quoters form current quatre
Also I have crated one another macro valuations.
And I want to call this two macros.
The context of why I’m trying to do this
And this macro I want to call in model:
{%- set enddate = ‘2024-06-30’ -%}
valuations as ({{
frt_valuations ( enddate )}})
user as (select * from {{ ref(‘abc_user’) }}),
, b.account
from valuations a
left join user b
and instead of hardcode ‘{%- set enddate = ‘2024-06-30’ -%}’ I want to call my macro get_two_quarters_ago_end but this is not possible in my main model. Could you please help me to solve my problem?