new snapshot meta columns defined in schema don't work

The renaming of the snapshot meta columns does not work.

I wanted to create an scd-type2 like table.
I am failing on two levels:

  • the valid to date is still NULL even if I configured it to be 2999-12-31
  • the meta columns still use the names dbt_valid_from etc.

Here is my schema.yml:


  - name: psa_nwd_employees_ss
    relation: ref('stg_nwd_employees_20_cln')
      enabled: true
      unique_key: EmployeeID      
      strategy: check
        - hash_value       
      dbt_valid_to_current: "CONVERT(date, '2999-12-31')"
      hard_deletes: new_record
        dbt_valid_from: dss_start_date
        dbt_valid_to: dss_end_date
        dbt_scd_id: dss_version_id
        dbt_updated_at: dss_update_date
        dbt_is_deleted: psa_delete_flag

Any idea, what I didn’t do correctly?

Could you share the error(s) you’re getting?

No error. But the meta columns still have the “original” names. And the column dbt_is_deleted is missing .

Seems as if the Microsoft Fabric adapter is not yet able to handle the renaming of these meta columns.
I tried the same code on a PostgreSQL database target in dbt core and it worked fine.

Anyone to confirm my analysis?