post_hooks and environement variables - how to run post_hooks only in certain cases

The problem I’m having

I am trying to run a dbt workflow with post_hooks. However, I’d like the workflow to sometimes run the post_hooks and sometimes skip them entirely.

The context of why I’m trying to do this

Basically need to not drop and unload a load of tables when I want to run data integrity tests.

What I’ve already tried

I have set up an environement variable in my workflow.yaml.

          run_hooks: true

and I then have the separate workflow where I have

          run_hooks: false

then in my models I have something like this:

        post_hook="{% if var('run_hooks', false) %}{{ '' }}{% else %}
        drop table if exists etc;
        unload ('select * from {{ this }}') TO 'etc'
        {% endif %}

however, I have tried running it with the env_variables saying true and with them saying false and I am unable to make it skip the post_hooks either way.

Can someone shed some light on what is going on on this? Is there some different syntax I should be using to have this properly work?

Some example code or error messages

Put code inside backticks
  to preserve indentation
    which is especially important 
      for Python and YAML! 

Here is a suggestion for usage.

  1. To make it cleaner, adjust the indentation of the posthook for better readability.
        {% if var('run_hooks', false) %}
                {{ '' }}
        {% else %}
            drop table if exists etc;
            unload ('select * from {{ this }}') TO 'etc' FORMAT PARQUET;
        {% endif %}
  1. An alternative is to change the workflow to set the variable in the CLI command, e.g.
dbt run -s model --vars '{"run_hooks": "true"}'
dbt run -s model --vars '{"run_hooks": "false"}'

Which will solve it.