The problem I’m having
I am trying to include an insert statement inside a macro. But I am facing error so please guide me through this.
Some example code or error messages
{% macro centralize_test_failures(results) %}
{%- set test_results = [] -%}
{%- for result in results -%}
{%- if result.node.resource_type == 'test' and result.status != 'skipped' and (
result.node.config.get('store_failures') or flags.STORE_FAILURES
{%- do test_results.append(result) -%}
{%- endif -%}
{%- endfor -%}
{%- set central_tbl -%} {{ target.schema }}.test_failure_central {%- endset -%}
{%- set monitoring_tbl -%} {{ target.schema }}.monitoring_table {%- endset -%}
{{ log("Storing test failures in " + central_tbl, info = true) if execute }}
create or replace table {{ central_tbl }} as (
{% for result in test_results %}
select distinct
'{{result.node.unique_id}}' as unique_id,
'{{ }}' as test_performed,
'{{result.node.resource_type}}' as resource_type,
'{{ result.status }}' as status,
'{{ target.schema }}' as schema,
'test_failure_central' as target_table,
object_construct_keep_null(*) as failed_records,
'{{result.execution_time}}' as execution_time_sec,
current_timestamp as date_time
from {{ result.node.relation_name }}
{{ "union all" if not loop.last }}
{% endfor %}
insert into {{monitoring_tbl}}
select * from {{ central_tbl }})
{% endmacro %}
Encountered an error:
Database Error
001003 (42000): SQL compilation error:
syntax error line 115 at position 3 unexpected ‘insert’.