unable to connect to specified database (snowflake)

Trying to setup dbt core to a snowflake db, fails everytime, if i use the same creds in dbt cloud all ok. Doing this on an M1 Mac

error is:

Connection test: [ERROR]

1 check failed:
dbt was unable to connect to the specified database.
The database returned the following error:

Database Error
250001: Could not connect to Snowflake backend after 0 attempt(s).Aborting

Check your database credentials and try again. For more information, visit:

I think the issue is the account parameter in your profile. (I always get this wrong with snowflake…). dbt expects just the part of the url before snowflakecomputing.com, like abc1234 or abc1234.us-east-1.aws

See the docs: Snowflake setup | dbt Developer Hub (getdbt.com)


In the account parameter there will be"." instead of “.” use “-”, as while copying the account ID it gets copied with “.”. I got the error resolved by doing this.

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@craig.jones check this table for specific formatting as per your region.


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