The problem I’m having
I need to run a dbt run on dbt core, but when I use the relative path, there is an infinite loop.
I left a simple dbt running for 50 minutes and there is no return.
Here is the command used:
dbt run --select models/br_camara_dados_abertos/br_camara_dados_abertos__legislatura.sql
The context of why I’m trying to do this
I’m using wsl =
kernel =
dbt = 1.5.6
python = 3.9.17
dbt-bigquery = 1.5.9
dbt-rpc = 0.4.2
What I’ve already tried
I’ve already tried changing the dbt and python versions, to 1.8 and 3.10 respectively.
Some example code or error messages
There is an infinite loop after the following outputs:
19:55:18 Running with dbt=1.8.1
19:55:18 Registered adapter: bigquery=1.8.1
19:55:20 Found 497 models, 2 operations, 1795 data tests, 1259 macros